
Since 1970 participation in the DHV's "International Easter Training Weeks for Music Teachers" in Trossingen
Conducting classes with Dr. Armin Fett and Karl Perenthaler.
Orchestra playing and interpretation classes with Herbert Bausewein, Hans Boll,
Fritz Dobler, Willi Münch, Hans Rauch and Rudolf Würthner.
Other lecturers were: Helmuth Herold, Hubert Deuringer,
Ulrich Dalm, Werner Niehues and Adolf Götz.

1977 / 1980 Training as "qualified accordion teacher"
- Accordion lessons at music schools and in clubs -
Funded by:
Landesverband der Musikschulen Baden-Württemberg
Verband deutscher Musikschulen
Bundesakademie für musikalische Jugendbildung

Josef T. Dillenkofer (history of music)
Fritz Dobler (instrumental practice)
Maximilian Schnurrer (instrumental science)
Gabriele Steffens (educational methodology)
Roland Weber (composition)
Margot Eschenbacher-Eisenmann (instrumental tuition)

Since 1980 membership of the Deutschen Akkordeonlehrer Verband DALV (German Association of Accordion Teachers)
Since then participation in numerous projects of further education by the DALV with renowned lecturers such as:
Dr. Wolfgang Eschenbacher, Anders Grøthe,
Peter Hoch, Werner Kirschner, Prof. Irmgard Krieg, Lech Puchnowski,
Prof. Georg Reidys und Eugen Tschanun

1983 - 2002 Regular conducting and interpretation studies with Prof. Jörg Faerber
Not only the conducting classes and interpretations, but also many nocturnal conversations about music and other topics with the founder and conductor of the Heilbronn Chamber Orchestra gave important stimulus.

Private studies with Musical Director and DHV Federal Conductor Fritz Dobler
Fritz Dobler is always a competent partner for my questions regarding his own works and music in general.

1997 and 1998 Conducting master classes with Prof. Helmuth Rilling
Participation in the events of the International Bach Academy Stuttgart in the "Studium Generale" since 1985.
My co-operation with Helmuth Rilling, the Gächinger Kantorei, the Bachkollegium Stuttgart and well-known vocal soloists was a new dimension of musical impressions. A unique experience was Helmuth Rilling's private library, where I could lay my hands upon a book once owned by Johann Sebastian Bach.

1999 Common training as choir-master - basic degree.
Meeting Prof. Alfons Scheirle at this further education course, organized by the Schwäbischen Sängerbundes (SSB, Suebian Singers' Association) and the Ministerium für Kultus und Sport des Landes Württemberg (Ministry of Sports and Cultural Affairs of Baden-Wurttemberg) was another piece of luck.

2000 Hugo Herrmann seminar for state-approved choir-masters
Prof. Alfons Scheirle (choir-master training)
Prof. Rolf Hempel (theory of harmony, score playing and auditory training)
Uta Scheirle (voice and speech)
Walter Gropper (history of music)

1999 / 2000 Voice formation with Gisela Reichherzer

Nowadays the demands on a music teacher exceed tuition and conducting by far. Thus, further education in the field of cultural management was only logical.

2001 / 2002 Cultural manager
Business Academy for Media, Events & Culture, Munich (EBAM)
Training volume 220 hours, lecturers (among others):
Harald Schrank, graduate in business management
    Management studies / Financial management
Ralf Dombrowski, Süddeutsche Zeitung
    Efficient concepts for press work
Jürgen Schott, Kloster Andechs
    Culture and economy, shown by the example of Kloster Andechs
Christoph Höfig, adviser on cultural affairs, capital of Munich
    Cultural administration on the communal level
Dr. Ralf Kitzberger, lawyer
    Culture and law
Thomas von Stein, Goethe Forum
    Culture and economy
Matthias Schaettgen, Tollwood Festival Munich
    Organization of a regular cultural event


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